Oferte pentru 2023 !!!

– Pret porumbel : 60 de euro 

– Echipa pentru anul acesta : 5+1 = 300 de euro 

– Primele 100 de echipe rezervate ( cu avans 100 de euro ) :   5+2 = 300 euro 

La 2 echipe rezervate pe acelasi nume aveti inca 1 porumbel gratis

Cei care rezerva echipa/echipe si apoi aduc alti concurenti care isi rezerva de asemenea echipa , primesc inca 1 porumbel gratis pentru fiecare echipa !!


Important !!

Cine rezerva trebuie sa plateasca avansul !!



– Pigeon price: 60 euros

– The team for this year: 5+1 = 300 euros

The first 100 reserved teams (with 100 euro advance payment): 5+2 = 300 euro

– For 2 teams reserved under the same name, you still have 1 free pigeon

– Those who reserve the team/teams and then bring other competitors who also reserve their team, receive 1 free pigeon for each team!!


Whoever makes the reservation must pay the advance!!